Optional Rule

RPG Resources

12 Rules for TTRPG Players to Live By

A few weeks ago, a great thread was floating around on X (formerly known as Twitter and largely still called that but… oh, nevermind) lamenting the lack of meaningful Player Guides on TTRPG blogs. We have a plethora of guides on how to be a great Game Master but few on how to be a great player. Okay, that’s not entirely true - there are plenty of YouTube videos by DungeonCraft or Seth Skorkowsky offering great player advice, and a few blog posts on the topic, but they’re drowned out by the volume of DM advice content.
RPG Resources

Summary of DnD 2024 Spell Changes

The Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ruleset is being revised and rereleased this year. Termed DnD 2024, there have been a series of videos on DnDBeyond, announcing and summarizing some of the changes in the latest revision. While each of those videos have a nice corresponding blog summary of changes, I couldn’t find one after the recent Spell change video. So I am summarizing the changes discussed below for easier reference, and so you don’t have to watch the 25 minute video just for 5 minutes of vague content. Enjoy.
DM Advice, Player Advice, Resources

Experience Still Matters - The Benefits of using XP in 5e.

As we eagerly await the release of the updated version of revised 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons in 2024, it’s an opportune time to re-examine some of the core systems that make our beloved TTRPG tick. One such system that often sparks debate among players and Dungeon Masters alike is the method of character advancement. In light of the recent surge in views on my previous articles discussing the benefits of using experience points (XP) in D&D, I thought it would be valuable to delve deeper into this topic and explore how XP-based advancement can enhance your gaming experience.
DM Advice, Player Advice, Community Discussion, Resources

TTRPG Tools for Collboration and Change

Why do some Dungeons & Dragons groups struggle so hard to cooperate and enjoy a game together? Even well-meaning players can have spotty outcomes and TTRPG groups can have a hard time staying together for more than a few sessions. Particularly in an era of safety tools, and assertions of the importance of inclusive play, we seem to be struggling harder now than any other time in the hobby. Many take the position that this is because we are clearing the toxicity of one culture or another from the gaming space, but I would suggest this is wrong-minded. As a community, too many people have given up on the idea that collaboration or real tolerance of different opinions has any value at all. Some may blame an inherent cultural evil for this division but I am not convinced. I suggest the TTRPG community doesn’t have a good set of frameworks or tools to promote collaboration. Yes we have safety tools and, while those can be useful, safety and collaboration are completely different things.
Game Mechanics, Homebrew Content, DM Advice, Resources

Gritty DnD Injuries - Expanding Exhaustion

In Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition, the introduction of lasting injuries and effects promises to revitalize the way players approach the game. By infusing combat with the possibility of enduring consequences, this elevates the significance of each skirmish beyond the individual encounter. Health is no longer just hit points to be replenished with the wave of a hand or a nap; it becomes a strategic element of play managed through clever player choices. This shift introduces a layer of tactical depth missing in the vanilla game, requiring players to think critically about their characters actions and their potential long-term impacts on how the adventure plays out.
RPG Resources

Yes, if ... the true secret of crafting adventures

In Dungeons & Dragons, a common practice among Dungeon Masters (DMs) is to hand-wave new rulings for the sake of convenience, or with the belief that they’re enhancing the game by simply saying yes. However, I’ve come to realize that this approach, while seemingly beneficial, may actually be more limiting than many of us think. Simple answers keep things moving but ignore the fundamental truth about creating adventures. Running a TTRPG isn’t just about adjudicating the rules, it’s about creating opportunities for characters to risk it all to pursue their goals. Every question asked in a game is an opportunity to create a new adventure, so let’s talk a bit about this.
RPG Resources

Unlocking the Magic of TTRPG Design

Brandon Sanderson, celebrated for his exceptional worldbuilding and intricate magic system design, stands out as a titan in modern fantasy literature. His principles, while crafted for literary creation, offer invaluable insights for TTRPG design. In an era brimming with new TTRPG systems being developed and crowdfunded, I frequently ponder how Sanderson’s concepts could shape better game design, or at least preserve a diversity in gaming experiences rather than yet another play on heroic-fantasy without risk of failure. Specifically, I contemplate the potential of these foundational ideas to captivate players through effective game design—a crucial aspect often missed in the foundational design of many emerging games.
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DMing is not a Covert Power Grab

The DM is the First Mover in any Dungeons & Dragons campaign. It’s not that they’re superior or more important; rather, the game hinges on the DM’s involvement. As the game’s primary driving force, DMs significantly influence its tone and genre. Moreover, since they orchestrate the world, it naturally reflects their point of view and judgment. This aspect of game-running is a feature, not a flaw. While it’s perfectly valid for players to have preferences about the game’s style, the DM’s creative perspective is not inherently wrong.

The Statistical Mirage of Advantage in D&D 5th Edition

Adventurers, gather ‘round the table as we delve into the often misunderstood mechanics of Advantage in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Introduced as a streamlined method of bonus handling, Advantage allows players to roll a second d20 and choose the higher of the two. On the surface, it seems like a boon to the dice-rolling hopefuls, offering a second arrow in the quiver of chance. But does it truly elevate the players’ prospects, or is it a statistical sleight of hand?

Dungeon of the Grieving Mind - Not Your Typical Dungeon!

Crafting dungeons that deeply resonate with the consequences of character choices? Now, that’s what I call top-notch Dungeon Mastering in Dungeons and Dragons. Inspired by a spirited discussion over on Reddit, I’ve crafted the dungeon you’re about to delve into. My hope? That you’ll find it a thrilling addition to your campaign. The premise is versatile enough to slide right into numerous D&D storylines, whenever innocents have perished in the course of an adventure. An all too common occurrence in most campaigns.